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Find YOUR freedom with LALA the WTF Unicorn

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Lala the WTF Unicorn

Soul Healer and Ascention Guide


"Healing is within" 



Miles: Sometimes you gotta say "WTF", MAKE your move.

Joel, every now and then, saying "WTF" brings freedom.

Freedom brings opportunity.

Opportunity makes your future.

So your parents are going out of town? You got the place ALL to yourself.

Joel: Yeah

Miles: WTF


What a  poignant moment in movie history, right? It's from, “RISKY BUSINESS" with Tom Cruise circa 1983. I was 11 in 1983 and had HBO, so I learned most of what I know about life from 80’s movies. You see, in the movie, Miles is trying to convince his buddy and high-schooler, Joel (played by Ray-Ban-wearing Tom Cruise) to take his dad's Porsche for a night on the town. Hence, the need to convince him to say, WTF. They get in a few jams during their night out, and things became a bit sketchy, but in the end, it all works out. Joel and Miles realize that even though all this bad stuff happened to them, their night out was totally worth it, 'cuz OH BOY, was it fun? Sound familiar? The journey IS the fun, babycakes, and I was dead-ass serious about the movie thing.


Everyone could use a little WTF (WHAT THE FUN) Unicorn in their life. Let your soul fly with the winged Unicorns for a bit, will ya?


Oh, by the way, I'm not flicking the bird, those are my unicorn horn puppets...they do what they want!!


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