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Meet Lala


"It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.”

                     `excerpt from "Invictus" by William Ernest Henley

As a small child raised on the bayou in New Orleans, I somehow just knew that I was connected to a presence that was not be interpreted with just 5 senses. There was no name for this connection, and only recently have I begun to call it Spirit. And the "knowing" part? The name for that is Claircognizance. What can I say? Weird things happen when you're born below sea level.


For a good man years, I hid the fact that I could communicate with Spirit, because let's be honest with each other, it sounds completely nuts. Until one fateful day in May of 2023. The Spirits came to me. Not just one or two either. ALL of them. Screaming at me. How did I feel their presence that day, you ask? Full head-to-toe body chills. From my toes to my nose. They said to me in my head, "Now do we have your attention?". They most certainly did. I was nudged (more like pushed - they were being very insistent) to go back into my room to meditate. When I did, they told me the following, "we know that you know we've been with you all your life, and we're tired of you ignoring us because you're afraid of what other's may think of you. We have work to do. We have messages to give. Souls need healing. People will believe you."


So here I am. I am what I am, and that is a Unicorn Soul Healer. 

That's right. I said it. 

Lala: WTF 


Not only am I a Unicorn Soul Healer, but so much more.


What are my qualifications? In 1995, I received a B.A. in Psychology from California State University, Bakersfield. Please don't hold that against me, however. When I was mature enough to stand the site of someone else's blood (if you're curious, it took me 35 years), I entered into nursing school at Cape Fear Community College, and graduated in 2009, with an Associates Degree in Nursing. Whilst working full time and raising two very handsome boys, I also managed to earn a B.S. in Nursing from Western Governors University. Currently, I am 3 courses shy from earning a Masters in Nursing Education. 

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