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Unicorn Soul Healing

Has life taken away some of your spark? 

Do you feel like you need guidance on what to do next?

Is there something inside of you that you would like to heal?

Or do you want to be SURE that you're getting the most out of this life?




We will dive headfirst together into a world of mystique, wonder, with a dash of Unicorn magick.


After I'm done with my healing, you will exclaim "WHAT THE FUN, UNICORN?!" It's a whimsical adventure for those who seek the extraordinary out of life from Unicorn Spirit explorations



At WTF Unicorn, my mission is to create a mind-bending haven where individuals can embrace the peculiar joy of self-discovery and healing. I believe in infusing a good dose of WTF into ancient wisdom and therapeutic practices, creating an emporium of wonder for those seeking a Unicorn Soul journey back to themselves.


Unicorn Soul Healings are $150 and can be performed in person or virtually.

Let the healing begin!

Let’s Work Together

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