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I am a Unicorn Soul Healer

1 Corinthians 15:10 King James Version (KJV)

"But by the grace of God, I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me."

Unicorn is my Spirit animal and at the top of my medicine Totem. A Totem is a natural object, in my case, an animal whose energy resides within. The essence of the Unicorn Spirit, combined with the energies of the Spirit, including my ancient ancestors, and the unseen realms, manifests within the tangible reality of this physical world.

What does a Unicorn Soul Healer do?

Unicorns, those enchanting creatures, possess the whimsical talent of being soul healers. They weave their magic to release ancient soul traumas, unlocking the door to deep inner joy and contentment. With their mystical touch, Unicorn Soul Healers artfully transmute the pains of past lives and other soulful journeys, revealing your true essence and allowing you to bask in your unique magnificence. As their ethereal presence graces your soul, your inner light sparkles brightly, and you find yourself dancing in the enchanting realm of soul satisfaction.


Unicorns, those wondrous healers, wield a remarkable gift: they can transform your thoughts and emotions. By delicately touching your third eye and heart with their radiant light, they raise your frequency above the realms of mental and emotional dis-ease. When your frequency surpasses that of an illness, it loses its grip and simply cannot persist. It dissipates like morning mist, illustrating the clear connection between elevated frequency and the inability of illness to endure. Much like magic, embracing this enchantment within your heart holds the transformative power to disrupt the hold of ailments.


Unicorns extend their magical touch not only to adults but also to children and even animals. Their incredible ability includes healing your inner child, rekindling the memories of what once ignited your youthful joy. With their gift of clarity and healing energy, Unicorns provide everything necessary for you to embark on your life's mission. Collaborating with a Unicorn Soul Healer has a profound effect – others can perceive the radiant light within you, shaping their responses accordingly. Elevate your frequency with a Unicorn and bask in the blissful ascent towards joy and fulfillment

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