My Background
There's a few things we need to get out of the way,
before understanding how I am able heal precious souls:
My ego.
I am nothing without God. Only by His Trust and Grace, am I here to help guide your Soul to heal, and learn to gently love yourself.
In WTF Unicorn terms, having no ego leaves me to be a wee bit sarcastic and self-deprecating. Evidently, it's a trait of Unicorns, and I do not disappoint in that realm.
2. I am a practicing Catholic.
Guided by the Sacred Heart, I strive everyday to have a pure heart.
This means in WTF Unicorn terms, I don't blow smoke up anyone's asses. You will hear the truth from me, but it will be safely and lovingly. The truth sets you free.
3. I am not a "traditional" Catholic.
I practice Voudou. Yep, I said it, Voudou. If that scares you, it shouldn't, and I can tell you why. In the 1700's, the Spanish controlled New Orleans, including the rich swamplands and sugarcane fields just West of the city. You see, sugar was worth more than gold back then, and if you know your history, the Spanish were driven mostly by what they could gain monetarily. To make the most money in the sugarcane fields, the Spanish needed humans to work the land. Sugarcane has razor-sharp leaves, so no one in their right mind would want to do that work. The Spanish solved the labor problem by bringing slavery to the plantations. Some of the earliest slaves, including my direct ancestors, were from the Canary Islands, located just off the coast of Africa. The Spanish were smart, they didn't take Joe Schmeaux's, they took warriors, carpenters, as well as people who had ancient knowledge of how to use Nature, Meditation, and Prayer to heal dis-ease.
Those who practiced medicine in Africa were more than Healers, they were Spiritual leaders. They knew that if the Soul was not healed along with the body and the mind, then the "sick" person would remain in a state of dis-ease. It is a religious practice to combine Nature, Meditation, and Prayer along with Medicine. The problem that the African Religious leaders encountered was that the people who enslaved them were the Spanish, who were notorious for their devotion to Catholicism and Christianity. So what did my ancestors do? They just mixed the two. Voudou is simply a mixture of the ancient religion from Africa and Catholicism. Why is there a stigma associated with it? Money seems always to be the root of evil. Think about it, if I can heal you with Nature, Meditation and Prayer, who does that cut out? Big Pharma, who merely wants to make a buck off of our dis-ease! Hopefully, you're starting to get the idea!
The "Colonizers" in Louisiana only call it "magick" because it works like magic.
Voudou is merely incorporating the ancient knowledge from my African Ancestors on how to use Nature, Meditation and Prayer to cure dis-ease and heal Souls.
In WTF Unicorn terms, that means I will invoke the full power of each of my skill sets to heal your soul. Let’s not care about stereotypes or using the proper names for things. Break down what binds you, and let your Soul fly free and magically with the WTF Unicorns!
Western Governors University
Achieved my Bachelor's of Science Degree in Nursing.
Can you believe they made me take Statistics again? More like Satan-tistics, if you ask me.
Cape Fear Community College
Associates Degree in Nursing
Did I forget to mention that I am a registered nurse in the state of North Carolina? I darned good one too.
Graduated at the top of my class AND gave the commencement speech!
Louisiana State University
California State University, Bakersfield
Yes, it took me 5 years and 2 universities to get a Bachelor's degree in Psychology...boy, did I write some BS papers back then